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Re: Artistic JazzFlies

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 11:18 pm
by letumgo

Re: Artistic JazzFlies

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 11:51 pm
by willowhead
Found this funny lookin' hook just layin' around the other day, so i decided to slap somethin' on it. :D Body (abdomen) is Montana Fly Company Midge Thread, thorax is two turns of Peacock herl, and the collar is English Grouse i think..... :? .....tyed it bout two weeks ago. Pic aint so good.....not clear at all. :roll:
Oh well..... :lol:

Re: Artistic JazzFlies

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 9:17 am
by tie2fish
Very pretty little attractor, Mark. How big (small) is that hook and does anyone know the make and model of it?

Re: Artistic JazzFlies

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 9:33 am
by willowhead
Tkx. Bill, i think it's a size 16.....maybe an 18.....have no clue as to the rest of your ? but if i discover the answer.....i'll pass it along. ;) soooooooooo many hooks, sooooooooo little time..... :roll: ..... :lol:

Re: Artistic JazzFlies

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 10:25 pm
by letumgo
Sweet wee little fly, Mark. I bet this didn't take nearly as long to tye as your artistic flies. :D This is all the way on the other end of the spectrum, in terms of size. I'm enjoying the range.

I studied the hook for a while and took it as a fun puzzle. After doing a little searching, I am going to guess the hook is a Varivas 2120WB Wave Barbless.

Re: Artistic JazzFlies

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 11:44 pm
by willowhead
Tkx. Ray.....and DANG if you aint dead is a Varivas Wave Barbless.........i remember now. They gave us those when we tyed in England a couple years ago. That particular hook was just layin' around by itself and i hadn't used those hooks in so long, i clean forgot i had them. :roll:
Oh, and btw.....i made a mistake in the recipe............the body is not Montana Fly Company Midge's Montana Fly Company Easy Dubb. :D
i'm gonna go find those hooks.......... ;)

Re: Artistic JazzFlies

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 3:50 am
by willowhead
Ray, i found a handfull of boxes in various sizes of the Wave Barbless Keel hooks...........but they all say Justice (brand name), on the boxes. Seems it must be a Daiichi/Kamasan type-a-deal or somethin' like that. Different brand names for bein' sold in different parts of the world................go figure. the Justice hooks look IDENTICAL to the Varivas 2510WB............and i'm sure they are.
In Calif. they call it Best N.Y., they call it Hellman''s EXACTLY the same Mayonaise. "Business" always has some kinna ivey divey bullcrap goin' on.......evil by it's very nature. That's why i like swaps.........MUCH more equitable. ;)

Re: Artistic JazzFlies

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 8:35 pm
by willowhead
Got the next JazzFly goin'............hook (Alex Hayes), is painted.....tag (purple Kreinik), is finished.....tail (5 dyed purple GP Crest), is on.....Butt (purple Ostrich herl), is finished...........and the bead is on. Time to put the eye (antigue violin string gut) on............i better hop to it. :D .........SHEER will power......i'm goin' to Somerset.............OH YEAH!!!!! Shop til ya drop............ :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Artistic JazzFlies

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 11:23 pm
by willowhead
well........obviously i never made it to Somerset......or Houston for those two shows............ :( :( :( ..........**** happens. The particially tyed fly i described above is still in the vise and hasn't evolved yet.............thread still hangin' right in front of the bead..............but anyway. :roll:

Here's a coupl pics of a fly i did a year/year and a half ago.......i dunno for sure how long it's been :roll: as i looked at the pic and hadda name the fly for disk storage..........i heard the gut bucket bottom back beat from "I heard it on the Grapevine" .........naturally because of the main color of the fly.......and was gonna call it On the Grapevine...........but then i decided to just call it "Honey Honey" because the refrain in that tune is so cool. Just seem to "fit" better. ;) .............well i just found out my pics limit has been reached again...............lmao.........just perfect.......... :roll:
Just so you know, the fly is on oe of Alex Hayes thin wire hooks i painted purple........i'll try and see if i can get Mark to eliminate a couple pics from somewhere in this thread, so i can get the pics up i was goin' to post. ;)

Re: Artistic JazzFlies

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2012 7:40 am
by tie2fish
Mark has asked me to post these photos for him, which is the least I can do for him on his birthday. He'll come back with an explanation about these beauties ...

