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Re: Hooks

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 10:09 am
by Soft-hackle
I would have to agree with you. Like everything else, fly fishing and tying has been commercialized to some degree, and because of that we pay for it. If you are like me, however, and believe fly tying is an art and that art IS important to the creator, then you kind of look to get the best materials you can afford to create your art. I understand that we do not expect a fly to last as long as a fine painting or sculpture, but we do expect of our flies to function properly and hold up, to some extent, with use. Quality is and should be a concern. So paying a little more for a quality product is not really a bad thing. I DO think it is ludicrous that we must pay $5-$6 for only 25 hooks. I can remember when you could get 100 for that much, and they worked-there wasn't any of this laser sharp mumbo jumbo. You sharpened your own hooks with a hone. Oh well, such it "progress" I suppose.


Re: Hooks

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 10:38 am
by Otter

To give you an example of where I view things, I agree quality should always be paid for , and if something is scarce then you can always expect to pay a premium.

When you look at the price of some stuff I would think that a high quality genetic cape should be retailing at about $250, , and exceptional one about $350 ,yet they are much cheaper than that considering they are not the produce of countries with low labour and other costs. I believe whilst they are not inexpensive they are value for money.

Yet the stuff that is coming out of china at a very low cost is been flogged at 10 maybe 20 times the cost of manufacture.

As long as bankers and marketeers are running things then there this no way out of the loop. I have now got to the stage that I find it hard to believe anything about angling related products unless I know for certainty that the reviewer is completely independent........ not too many about are there ?

Not a lot we can do about it, but it does make me seethe at times.

Re: Hooks

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 10:47 am
by Soft-hackle
Gosh! Otter,
Don't give commercial hackle breeders any new ideas. The price of quality hackle is HIGH enough, as far as I'm concerned. The average tier could never afford $250 for a cape. :shock:


Re: Hooks

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 11:17 am
by Ron Eagle Elk
Speaking of hooks, we were speaking of hooks, weren't we? I understand that Jim Slattery is having a hook sale for a week. I for one plan to stock up on my favorite Daiichi hooks. His other hook brands are also on sale. Take a look at ... f=5&t=1384


Re: Hooks

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 11:22 am
by Otter
Thats why i use CDC so much , $ 40 a season , and no cussing at hackle pliers :D

Funny thing is that my anger at the marketing machine only happens during the close season.

Re: Hooks

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 1:00 pm
by hankaye
Howdy ALL;

As long as someone is willing to pay 'X' # of coin for anything for the 'EXCLUSITIVITY' of owning anything, the costs will increase. WE are paying because someone before us wanted to be ‘cool’ and own something more expensive than their mates.
The cost of living really shot up in the late 70’s and 80’s (yuppies), and then in the 90’s (dot-comers‘) and their need to out ‘BLING’ each other.

Jest sayin’…

tryin' to keep it simple...

Re: Hooks

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 8:52 pm
by willowhead
This is a great thread.....and Otter, i agree with you whole heartedly.......although by getting free hooks, i spose i am eating my cake, but that's not the point. i'm with Mark in terms of at least the tying aspect of this thing we do, NOT being a sport. But if fly tying is an art.....(imho).....i would think that fly fishing just follows one, no the other. You can't fly fish with out turn that craft into an why would you go take that piece of art, and treat the use of it, as a mere sport? i've watched a few people cast and fish.....and i was watching an artist, plain and simple.....if you follow.
We shouldn't let semantics mess us up.....those persons i was watching.....simply "knew."
You wanna be that guy, who when being crowded on stream, and rudely invaded and or disrespected in terms of angling ethics, simply is gone. Leave a fool to himself.....lead by example. Like the martial art, where your just not there.....and the grasshopper must understand. The guy crowding you, most likely....."needs" the pool more than you.....wether he realizes it or dig?
Couse you could put be a big fat chunk of lead on your leader and backcast it upside his head..............nnnnaaaahhhh. :D