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Re: Are you your body..?

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 3:46 am
by willowhead
Mark, Rahsaan Roland Kirk.....the blind multisaxophonist said this. "Don't let the cross, cross you up. Let the cross, help you GET across. Now we all have a cross to bear. So go on and deal with it, and then leave it alone." He wasn't born blind.....but something was done to him that resulted in the loss of his eyesight, at a VERY young age.
He was our mentor at the Keystone Korner in San Francisco, where i was a week in week out customer in 1975 and became an employee in '76, working there until '81 when i moved to N.Y.C. He recorded his masterpiece Bright Moments there, live in 1975. The owner of the club, Todd Barkan, now the Artistic Director of Jazz at Lincoln Center in Manhattan grew up in Bexley, Ohio.....a little place surrounded by Columbus where Ohio State University is. Rahsaan was also from Columbus and had befriended Todd when Todd was 14.....took him on the road, and when they were once in Austrailia on a T.V. show, and Rah was asked to see what he could do with a Didgeridoo (native instrument of the indigenous peoples), he began to blow, none stop, and continued right through the commercials and on and on and on until he decided he'd warmed it up. Rahsaan was world famous for having special abilities, often playing tenor sax, stritch and manzello, simultaneously. When they asked him how he he could possibly hold a note that long, he said. "I do not do circular breathing.....I do not do rotational breathing.......I am the wind."
One TON, and It Aint Gonna Get No Lighter. ;)

Re: Are you your body..?

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 5:11 am
by Roy
I am invisible, I only move when the time is ready and I am not seen.
Stealth is the art of knowing where the quarry is and refusing to allow it to be aware of one's presence.
Sometimes my stealth fails but I will learn each time the point where I gave myself away.
In my childhood I once stalked a heron.

Re: Are you your body..?

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 12:57 pm
by redietz
Roy wrote: In my childhood I once stalked a heron.
That's not much of trick with the herons around here. Since they seem to be of the belief that you can't see them, they'll let you get quite close before creating quite a racket taking off.

I once watched a wading fisherman (making quite a bit of noise) get within about a foot of a great blue heron, before the bird took off, flying smack dab into a horse on the bridle path next to the stream (which was also making quite a bit of noise). The horse spooked, throwing the rider. Fortunately, no one was hurt, so it was quite a hilarious thing to watch.

Re: Are you your body..?

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 1:35 pm
by hankaye
redietz, Howdy;

Must have been one of those Southern Maryland (I once lived in St. Mary's Co. for about 8 years), Herons, Ya know SMIB to the bone an none to brilliant either.

For those of you not culturialy aware a SMIB is (and the locals themselves call themselves with pride), a Southern Maryland In Breed.
I do miss the 'Stuffed Ham' sammitches. :D

Re: Are you your body..?

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 1:18 am
by willowhead
Mark, Alfred Miller was one cool dude.....Joan Stoliar is the person who gave me my copy of his book. i could NOT put that thing down til i read every word. i can walk from my house on the Willow to the Antrim in bout 15 minutes. Keep you ears and eyes peeled.....i'll post a pic of Joan sooner or later......the Stoliars were very instrumental in our early years as fly fishers. Joan elected us on to the board of TGF originally.....and if it hadn't of been for her, "enlisting" us onto the T.I.T.C. Committee, we would of never ended up renting the apt. on top of the gift shop at the CFFC&M.....thereby ending up in our house in Roscoe and all the rest. Amazing how one thing just leads to the next....."As Time Goes By."
Hank.....over the years i got to know "the Cos" very well. He use to come in the keystone Korner whenever he could in the 70's in S.F., and that's where i first me him. Later in N.Y., i'd see him in the (Village) Vangaurd, the (Village) Gate, and on the road i'd see him in Nice, France at the Jazz Festival there, sometimes as the M.C., and at the Playboy Festival in L.A. where he was always the M.C. i worked on his T.V. show for two very long grueling 14 hour days taping an episode of the Cosby show in the 80's. Maybe you saw the episode where his father in law is an ex-Troumbone player and it takes place in a club, as an old band reunion. My boss at the time was the drummer on that episode.....all those cats were my family in those days. It was Slide Hampton behind the curtain actually playing the troumbone while the guy who played his father in law faked it. Cos is a HUGE Jazz fan.....all the props for that episode came out of his house in Westchester county. For being one of the absolutely funniest guys ever.....he's also dead serious about what's important and a VERY fair individuall. EVERYBODY on his set loved his dirty drawers. The cat was beautiful.....he had his audio engineer take me up in the sound booth so i could hang there during the tapings. We did rehearsals the first day and two tapings the second day, each before a live studio audience. He shoulda been president by now.....maybe we wouldn't be in this mess. It was very sad when his son died in LA. Camile, (his wife) was crushed.....they are both crusaders for education, and kids are everything to them. They use to baby-sit my bosses kids while he was on stage.....gave me a break. :lol: