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Re: Partridge & Yellow

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 9:10 pm
by Kelly L.
I would love to see some top notch streamer tiers, like you've seen. That would be awesome. When I was younger, I loved traveling. But since I had kids and got all settled down and all, I haven't been doing any traveling to speak of. My youngest just turned 18 though, and now soon, I will be able to do more of what I want, if I have the funds.

Re: Partridge & Yellow

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 9:19 pm
by willowhead gotta go to them.....they aint commin' to you. Thas just how it is.......if you had moved here already like you should have.......... :P :P you'd be able to see this cat who's commin' back in Jan. to do the same thing he did here last year in Feb. He does a tyin demo (at a local fly shop) in the morning........Streamers.......BIG Honkin' streamers that 13 lb. Brown Trout look at as appitizers............then he takes you on the river all afternoon and eve.
He comes down from Wisconson.........friend of the fly shop owner.............spends a week fishing for the Monster Browns here.....then the fly shop owner from here goes up where the Wisconson cat lives in the summer time and they catch Alligator size Muskie...........i seen the slide show at our last NAFF meeting................HOLY BEJESUS!!!!!!!!!!! These thing eat Volkswagons. :D

Re: Partridge & Yellow

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 11:08 pm
by Kelly L.
Wow, that sounds wonderful, I hate that I will miss that.

Re: Partridge & Yellow

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 11:25 pm
by willowhead
Kelly, we all like to use that word on occassion........Jon put it great the other day.................bout how we don't use it enough :lol: .....but the bottom line is............are you or do you actually wish (truely and deeply) that you need to change your situation? If so, just think bout how you'll feel in 10 more years when you wake up one day and realize, you didn't do CRAP to do just that???????????? ;)

Re: Partridge & Yellow

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 6:25 am
by Mataura mayfly
Nice ties, I like them a lot.
And yes if you can swing it go see some great tiers in action. If you are anything like me you will learn more there in an hour than you will from 10 books you read twice!

On the earlier photo, true the fashion may not cut it in this day and age but you would have fitted into a McGyver, BJ McKay or Smokey & the Bandit set no problems at all.

Shucks, I may have even offered to carry your pack. :oops:

Re: Partridge & Yellow

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 7:33 am
by Kelly L.
Thanks for replying. You put a smile on my face for sure. :)

Re: Partridge & Yellow

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 7:15 pm
by wayneb
Hi Kelly;

Those are nice ties, should catch fish for sure!

Did I read correctly, your attending SOW BUG? Are you tying there?


Re: Partridge & Yellow

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 10:37 pm
by hankaye
Kelly L. Howdy;

When were ya in Norfolk, I was stationed over at NAS Oceana from '77 thru '88.
Floated on the Nimitz twice and the Kennedy once.
Ever tell your kids any "sea-stories" ? :lol:


Re: Partridge & Yellow

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 2:19 pm
by Kelly L.
Hey Wayne, good to know you are on here. No, I could tie I am sure. But I would rather go watch for the first time, and take it all in. Plus I want to do a little material shopping while I'm there. Mostly I just want to watch some great tyers, and LEARN.

Re: Partridge & Yellow

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 2:20 pm
by Kelly L.
Hey Hank. I was on shore duty there during the time you were there, in Norfolk. I went on a ship in 1985 though. Yes, I have bored my kids with some of my USN